David Th.

10 most inspirational & motivational quotes for positive life. (Part 5 ) with images


         10 Inspirational & Motivational Quotes for Positive life. (Part 5)
                        With some peaceful images.

Hello guys, I am back with my new booster article about inspirational and motivational quotes for positive life. I have collected some most helpful and interesting quotes for you guys. Today in this article i will try best to increase positivity in you, build up feeling of integrity and motivation with some inspirational and motivational quotes with peaceful images.Actually it is the Part 5 sequel of my previous posts in MY SITE , which i had posted last time.If you haven't read that articles or if you want to read those then click the link below.I hope you guys like it.

Inspiration and Motivation is the key towards happiness, inner peace and success. It is very important and essential factor, which can play a very vital role in our life, positively if we desire to. Creativity and positivity can be boosted from it. And, today on this article i want to share my work with you guys. My aim for today is to create positive vibes and feelings in your mind and soul, i hope you guys find this article helpful. Thanks in advance.

Lets start with our Top 15 Quotes of the day. 

  1. "DO SOMETHING TODAY, that your future self will THANK YOU for."

  2. "Loneliness is easily avoided, By always serving others."

  3. "Don't DEPEND too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness."

  4. "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."

  5. "Determination is the wake-up call to the human will."

  6. "There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist OR accept the responsibility for changing them."

  7. "I am STRONGER because of my hard times, WISER because of my mistakes and HAPPIER because of my sad experiences."

  8. "Never stop doing your best just because SOMEONE doesn't give you CREDIT."

  9. "You don't drown by falling in the water; YOU DROWN by staying there."

  10. "A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others."

  11. "Our dreams lift us high where, the world becomes more beautiful again......"

  12. "When everything goes wrong and things seem to fall apart, When nobody believes in you and you feel alone and stranded... That's EXACTLY the moment you gotta believe in yourself. HAVE FAITH"

  13. "The Harder you work, the LUCKIER you get."

  14. "Maintain Positive thoughts because... Thoughts become your words... Words become your behaviour... Behaviours become your habit... Habits become your values... And Values become your Destiny."

  15. "Every Morning you have 2 choices: continue to sleep with your dreams OR wake up and Chase them."

Some inspirational and motivational quotes:

About LIFE :
  • "I believe, that bad things happen in life to teach us how to look at good things in a whole new light."
  • "Take care of your body. It is the only place you have to live."
  • "Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later."
  • "Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
  • "A true friend's silence hurts more than an enemy's rough words."
  • "I have many problems in my life. My lips don't know that..... They always Smile."
  • "Falling down is how we grow, Staying down is how we die."
  • "Failure is an event, not a person."
  • "Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun, Fall in love. Regret nothing and don't let people bring you down."
  • "Life is not a problem to be solved, But a reality to be experienced. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the one who don't."
  • "When nothing goes right....... go left or listen to left.(I mean fell your heart.)"

  • "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock doors to personal excellence."
  • "Going in one more round when you don't think you can... That's what makes all the difference in your life."
  • "There are no secrets to SUCCESS...it is the result of preparation HARD WORK and Learning from failure."
  • "The tiny seed knew that; in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness, and struggle to reach the light."
  • "Determination today leads to SUCCESS tomorrow."
  • "Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction."
  • "Failure is not the opposite of Success, It is a part of success."
  • "Patience is the key because when the right time comes, it will be very beautiful and totally worth the wait."
  • "Treat everyone with KINDNESS and RESPECT, even those who are rude to you -not because they are nice, but because you are."

  • "You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
  • "Life is an experiment... The more experiments, more better your life."
  • "Don't stop when you are tired. Stop when you are DONE."
  • "Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."
  • "Don't let the opinions of others CONFUSE you."
  • "The two most important days in your life are; the day you are born, and the day you find it why."
  • "Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow... belongs to the people who prepare for it today."
  • "What you are looking for is not out there.... It is in you."
  • "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start...Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."
  • "The past is your LESSON, the present is your GIFT, The future is your MOTIVATION."

About FAMILY :
  • "The greatest gift you can ever own is not found in the shops or under your Christmas tree...It is found in the hearts of your loving family and your true friends."
  • "The only rock I know that stays steady and the only Institution I know that woks is the FAMILY."
  • "The LOVE in our FAMILY flows strong and deep, leaving us MEMORIES to treasure and keep."
  • "FAMILY; a link to the past and a bridge to our future."
  • "A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life."
  • "The family unit plays a critical role in our society and in the training of the generation to come."
  • "In all reality, you just need the ones that care and love you in the end, Because they will never let you stand in a storm alone."
  • "Families are forever...God could not be everywhere and therefore he made family for you."

  • "You will always miss 100% of the shots, if you don't take."
  • "Haters are the people who will boardcast your failures and whispers your success."
  • "Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up."
  • "Success is doing what you want, when you want, with whom you want, as much as you want."
  • "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones, we've been waiting for. We are the change that we SEEK."
  • "Don't chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right people; the ones who really belong in your life, will come to you and stay at right time."
  • "Sometimes it is the journey that teaches you a lot about your DESTINATION."
  • "Only do what your heart tells you."
  • "Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love."
  • "Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."

  • "I know you have heard it a thousand times before. But it's true- HARD WORK PAYS OFF. If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice and practice."
  • "Don't give up. The beginning is always the hardest. Life rewards those who work hard at it. Because hardwork pay off in the future, Laziness pays off now."
  • "Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence."
  • "Good things come to those who Wait. But better things come to those who work for it."
  • "Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it.If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better."
  • "You cannot change your destination overnight. You change your direction."
  • "There will be OBSTACLES, there will be DOUBTERS, there will be MISTAKES, but with Hard work, there are NO LIMITS."
  • "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
  • "Forget all the reasons why it won't work and believe the one reason why it will."
  • "Don't stop until you are proud with your life. Just keep calm and work hard, miracle will happen."

  • "My prayer is peace. My motivation is joy. My purpose is Love."
  • "The Canvas of life is waiting for some bright colors....Let us add shades of JOY, LOVE, PEACE and HAPPINESS."
  • "I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony, health, love and abundance. Then, whenever doubt, anxiety, or fear try to call me. They will keep getting a busy signal and soon they will forget my number."
  • "Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past, and is therefore the means for correcting our misperceptions."
  • "Inner peace is impossible without patience. Wisdom requires patience. Spiritual growth implies the mastery of patience. Patience allows the unfolding of destiny to proceed at its own unhurried pace."
  • "Worrying does not take away tomorrow's Troubles, it takes away today's PEACE. If you really enjoy this, please pass to others. It may bighten someone's day."
  • "Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be."
  • "Three things of life that once gone, never come back: TIME, WORDS and OPPORTUNITY. Three things of life that must not be lost: PEACE, HOPE and HONESTY. Three things of life that are most valuable: LOVE, SELF-CONFIDENCE and FRIENDS/FAMILY."
  • "Peace is not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, worries or hardwork, it means to be in the midst of those things and Still be calm in your Heart."
  • "A heart at peace, Gives life to the body."
  • "The single most important key to connecting to and expanding your feelings of being worthy and deserving, is Accessing Peace. Nothing can bring you Peace but you yourself have to become pro at it."

About GOD :
  • "Nothing can Shake those who are secure in God's hands."
  • "I can and I will, cause someone up in the sky is always with me."
  • "Be the type of Person who leaves a MARK. not a SCAR."
  • "God sometimes takes us into troubled waters, not to drown us but to teach us."
  • "If God sends us on strong PATHS, we are provided strong SHOES."
  • "Dear God.. I know I am not perfect, I know sometimes I forget to pray, I know I have questioned my faith, I know sometimes I loose my temper, But thank you for loving me, unconditionally and giving me another day to start over again. "
  • "God has a PURPOSE for your pain, a reason for your struggles and a reward for your faithfulness. Don't give up !"
  • "God gives Talent, and WORK transforms talent into GENIUS."
  • "Reputation is what men and women think of us; CHARACTER is what God and Angels know of us."
  • "Love of God never Gives up, Love of God never loses Faith, Love of God is always Hopeful and Love of God always endures through every circumstances. When things go wrong, and time is tough, just look up and say "I know you are testing me,I will wait for the day you will reward me for being strong". "

About RELIEF :
  • "When nothing is sure, everything is possible."
  • "The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you. It is when you don't understand yourself. Don't let it be."
  • "Make peace with your past so it doesn't spoil your present."
  • "What others think of you is none of your Business."
  • "Time Heals almost everything, give the time, some time."
  • "No one is the reason of your happiness, except you yourself."
  • "Don't compare your life with others, You have no idea what your journey is ?? and what their journey is all about."
  • "Stop thinking too much, Its alright not to know all the Answers."
  • "Smile, you don't own all the problems in the World."
  • "It is hard to beat a person, Who never Gives Up."
  • "The priority of any addict is to anaesthetise the pain of living to ease the passage of day with some purchased relief."

About Love :
  • "Love is not about how much you say 'I love you', but how much you can prove that it's true."
  • "If someone really loves you they wouldn't let you slip away. No matter how hard the situation is."
  • "I love inspiring people, and if I can make a difference in one person's life, then that's success for me."
  • "I have found that if you love your Life, life will surely love you back."
  • "Don't play with someone's heart, if you have no intentions for a serious relationship."
  • "SOMETIMES, when I say 'I am okay', I want someone to look at my eyes, hug me tight and say, 'I know You are not'."
  • "Where there is a Will. There is a Way."
  • "Real love is knowing someone's weakness and not taking advantage of them. Knowing their flaws and accepting who they are."
  • "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."
  • "All positive energies have healing powers because they carry Love.... Love is the most powerful healing energy."
  • "8 rules to a better life: Never hate, Don't worry, Live simply, Expect a little, Give a lot, Always smile, Live with Love, Best of all; be with God."

Atlast some refreshment quotes for you guys:
  • "A good boy will never want to change anything about you, except for your last name."
  • "Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy."
  • "See the light in others, and treat them as if that is all you see."
  • "Before you say something, stop and think how you would feel if someone said that to you."
  • "Forgiving someone is easy, but being able to trust them again is a totally different story. "
  • "We should never judge by Appearances."
  • "Slow down and enjoy the journey right now. Take time for the people in your life. They won't always be there."
  • "Small daily Improvements are the key to staggering Long-Term Results."
  • "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all Wisdom."
  • "Don't waste your important sunsets with people, who will be gone in Sunrise."
  • "When your actions contradict your words, your words don't mean anything."
  • "Never stop doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts."

This much for today guys, I will be back with my new helpful and interesting articleS. I hope you guys find this quotes helpful, if you guys love this
please hit the like/follow/subscribe/share button for your love and support. And don't forget to apply this above mentioned rules in your life daily and positively. Don't only read and
feel good for some moment, but try to focus and build up your self and apply it daily. I WISH FOR YOUR SUCCESSFUL LIFE. And if you find this article useful then please pass it
on to other people so they could also feel the same, please share this for flowing positivity among your friends. Thank you and Love you all !!!

Today in this article I have written some inspirational and motivational quotes for you. Please support us by hitting  Like, Follow or Subscribing button  for more latest updates, posts and articles . If you have any questions or doubt on something then please ask me on comment below, don't forget to leave your feedback .I hope you guys find this post helpful and interesting. Contact us if you want to work with us, or if you want us something to write about then please be free to ask. Thank You !!!

Some other interesting Quotes, check it out for inner peace:

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David Th.

About David Th. -

James is a Senior Brand Manager, where he helps oversee the organization’s branding, communications efforts, marketing and other general helps. James has created dozens of articles, videos and seminars on all things ecommerce, ranging from online marketing to web design and customer experience (many more). Beyond being a certified nerd, James is an college football player, enthusiastic home cook and a self-admitted musician. If you want to hire or contact with James then contact with us or comment us.

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